Thursday, 29 October 2009



need any clue? wehehe


Sunday, 25 October 2009

jahat dan mencantikkan kejelikan

Hanya kerana kamu terlibat, kamu jahat;
-----kalau kamu didesak, kamu jahat;
----------kalau kamu mendesak, kamu jahat;
---------------kalau kamu mahu bertindak, kamu rasa kamu jahat.
--------------------kamulah orang ketiga.

"It is such an
outstanding strength of consensus which has become conformity, yet culture. Don't be stupid. Let the people who never be in your shoes proceed with their stupidity."

Kalau ini umumnya isu triad; bolehlah jawab. Barangkali. Barangkali. Barangkali. [kalau ada kesempatan, saya ajak semua ladeni isu teori triad - rujuk ilmu sosiologi].

Tapi, ..............................

...............................kalau ini isu hubungan kekasih?

Baiklah. Cuba teori ini, menurut Ibn Sina, teori kuasa minda sangat kuat (dan sebenarnya beliau lebih awal menemui teori kuasa minda sebelum popularnya
Law of Attraction): PERCAYA (hendak hasil positif, fikir positif).

Kemudian, kaitkan dengan cabaran hidup yang dinyatakan di atas.
--> ada segunung debu di hadapan mata (cabaran);
--> kalau kamu mahu belajar sesuatu agar debu itu menjadi bermakna, teruskan. Ia sukar tapi, kesukaran itu menjanjikan kamu segunung butiran permata.

By the way ~ what is the meaning of JAHAT?


Monday, 19 October 2009

Ikut Hati, Mati...

HUMANISM is a very gentle ideology which it allows their people to share variety ethical theory and practice, as long as they are reasonable and scientific.

Human fulfillment in the natural world is natural. Just follow the nature. Easy.

It is a --- generalized human nature.

Yes. It is good.

You can eat anything you want (whether there are maggots in the meat), whenever you are hungry.

You can say anything and anyway you desire whenever you feel that you have something important (?) to speak about.

You have the right to follow you heart.

The world is yours.


You are married and you love your wife very much. You both are happy. It means that there is no major problem in your marriage.

One day, she requests something, "dear, I am asking for divorce".

Your soft and gentle heart turns into a cold, hard ice cube, "why?".

"I am in love. I mean, with someone else".

You feel the crack of the ice in your chest. Then it becomes worse. It shatters.

But, it's okay then. As much as your wife can see on your face - smile. She doesn't know what's inside it.

Or, does she want to know?

You love her.

You are rude and mean if you stop you wife from being together with her beloved one - and he is not you.

Oh, what can you say. You can't stop her. For humanity.

You love her. You prove it. For humanity.

You can't stop her. She has the right.

But, you are her husband. You are not a man if you let her go.

But still, you refer to a law of a place you visit. Hoping that you can have the chance to save your marriage.

"I am sorry, sir. You have to prove that you love her so much. You have to let her go".

"But, why? I have the right. Isn't this institution is to uphold human right?"

"Of course, sir. But, sorry, it's the policy to serve everyone. First come, first serve. She said it earlier before you say no. She said you love her, that is all. Never say that you don't want her to leave you".



When every human beings' desire collide and nobody wants to surrender... BUMP!

---AH...what a humane human right of humanity...

...without proper guidance.

The world is yours, but the world is not yours alone.

Ikut Hati, Mati,
Ikut Rasa, Binasa.


Friday, 16 October 2009

mahu atau tidak?

kalau kita fikir kemampuan memahami kita sudah bagus, cuba ujinya di luar pagar kehidupan kita. amati siapa yang berada di sekeliling kita. golongan yang bagaimana arus pemikiran mereka? apa warna dan gaya pakaian mereka setiap hari? apa aktiviti herian mereka? telaah.

- perlukah kita peduli semua itu?

bagaimana kalau ia mengancam sahsiah dan gaya kita?

itu maknanya tidak sealiran.

- pasti?


kalau kita sudah jati, tak usah peduli semua itu.


ya tentang 'semua itu'...

hakikatnya, semakin tinggi helikopter kita dalam memantau keadaan sekeliling, semalin luas ruang yang kita nampak. dan begitulah, semakin besar ruang, semakin banyak jenis orang. maka ujilah daya kefahaman kita di setiap ceruk.


dalam satu teori psikologi, kita tentu mendapat maklum balas positif jika kita minta pendapat daripada golongan yang sekepala dengan kita.

pergilah jauh sedikit, jumpa orang yang berbeza sedikit yakni, golongan yang sentiasa berada di atas pagar. Lalu, ajukan soalan yang sama.

ketidakselesaanmu bercambah?


kerana kamu mempunyai hipotesis yang hanya kamu dan golongan sekepala dengan kamu setuju.

- jadi, apa perlu kita lakukan?


tanya kenapa golongan yang berada di atas pagar berpendapat begitu.

- ah!

tidak mahu? tak mengapalah. kamu tidak akan mati jika tidak berbuat begitu. tapi hidup kamu akan terus kelabu (tanpa kamu sedari kerana dungu).


ini baru langkah pertama.
